5 RV Organization Hacks to Try Today
Staying organized in an RV is tough work, especially if you’re accommodating more than two people. You’ll need to find a balance between making your space fit your stuff and your stuff fit your space. With a finite amount of space, this gets frustrating, fast!
Here are 5 easy organizing RV tips you can use today.
1. Use Camping Gear Instead of Cookware

Traditional cookware like pots, pans, mixing bowls, tea kettles, and cutting boards that have been designed for full-size kitchens can be large and cumbersome. This takes up a lot of space that can make preparing food in a small kitchen even more challenging.
Head to the camping section to buy your cooking utensils instead; these are often made smaller or will fold or collapse to take up as little space as possible.
2. Maximize Your Wall Space
Use vertical space in your RV wisely by installing magnetic strips, hooks, suction cups, shelves, and other storage devices. This helps keep objects up off the floor and frees up drawer space for other items.
It’s tempting to use wall space for decorations, but you may not have the luxury if you use your RV often or are living full-time in it. If you have multiple people staying in the space, you’ll be grateful you’ve put up a toiletry shelf instead of a painting!
3. Abide by the “One In, One Out” Rule
Collecting too much stuff is a challenge nearly everyone faces, but traditional homes offer the space for these items to go in the back of closets or on shelves where they’ll never be seen or used. With the limited amount of available space in an RV, you simply can’t afford to do this.
Many seasoned RV owners use the “one in, one out” rule: if you bring something new into the RV, you must take something old out and recycle, donate, gift, or dispose of it. For example, if you purchase a new pair of jeans, they should replace your oldest, least favorite, or most damaged jeans rather than accompanying them in your already-small closet.
4. Use Your Doors
There’s a surprising amount of space behind closet and cabinet doors in an RV. Make use of this space by purchasing over-the-door shoe racks, paper towel and plastic bag holders, and other devices that hook onto the top of a door and provide extra storage.
5. Get the Most Out of Your Drawer Space
If you’re tossing items in your drawers haphazardly, you’re not going to get very much in them! You also won’t be able to find what you need quickly when you go to look for it.
Avoid this with plastic or cloth drawer organizers that allow you to separate items like rolled-up clothes, toiletries, “junk,” and other small items. Group like items together in each pocket or section of the organizer for easy access.
Let Go Of What’s Tying You Down with RV Masters
Is your life getting in the way of living? Vacationing or full-timing in an RV can give you that feeling of freedom and independence that you crave. At RV Masters, we can help you let go of what’s tying you down by keeping your RV in tip-top shape. Call us today!
Serving Kenner, LA, and surrounding areas in Southeast Louisiana.