RV Masters Guide to Celebrating Mardi Gras 2021 in New Orleans, LA
After a difficult year, seeing Mardi Gras right around the corner can be a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. But next year’s celebrations promise to be unlike any other. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage on, making social distancing and mask usage critical until a vaccine becomes widely available in the late spring to early summer.
No Mardi Gras? No Way!

Naturally, packing Bourbon Street shoulder to shoulder for the traditional New Orleans Mardi Gras parade would be too risky. But can Louisiana really not have Mardi Gras? Absolutely not! The Krewe of House Floats is a community-led event that celebrates Mardi Gras the socially-distanced way. Residents can decorate the front of their homes like a parade float, and people can enjoy the festivities by driving through neighborhoods of decorated houses. If you’re walking, be sure to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet between yourself and others not in your immediate party and wear a mask over your mouth and nose.
Buckle up, because so far, over 30 neighborhoods have signed up to take part in this uniquely reimagined Mardi Gras celebration. Are you an RV owner? Here are our best ideas for transforming your RV into a brilliant Mardi Gras “float.”
Use Outdoor-Safe Decor
Late winter in New Orleans, LA is usually fairly wet, although it’s not too cold. While hurricane season won’t start for another few months, you’ll still want to protect your home-float investment. Look for decor that can withstand some rain and is sturdy enough to make it through light winds. In other words, paper mache is likely not the best choice of materials.
Secure Your Float Decor
One of the best benefits of owning an RV is the ability to travel with it. However, if you’re all decked out with Mardi Gras displays, maneuvering your recreational vehicle can be somewhat difficult. Look for ways to create decor that can be secured or easily removed and replaced if you want to relocate your RV. Having a traveling house-float that you can use to go see other house floats can be an exciting new way to celebrate what is arguably Louisiana’s most cherished holiday celebration.
Consider Hiring a Professional Artist
Is elaborately decorating your RV just something you’d rather enjoy later than do? Think about hiring a professional artist. New Orleans and surrounding areas has no shortage of talented artists and street vendors who are unfortunately out of work due to the pandemic. You can pay to have an artist to come to you and deck out your motorhome who would ordinarily already be employed working on the designs of Mardi Gras floats.
Most of All, Have Fun!
Mardi Gras is meant to be a celebration to top all celebrations. With vivid hues of purples, yellows, and greens seemingly everywhere, the city truly does transform during the weeks leading up to Mardi Gras. Even though this upcoming holiday will no doubt be much different — and more difficult — enjoying Mardi Gras is one way to help yourself stay in good spirits.
At RV Masters, we can help keep your RV in tip top shape. Contact us today for more information or to speak with one of our friendly RV specialists.